
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Smart Home | The Battle for Internet TV - How Do Google and Apple Rate?

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From the smart home entertainment point of view, all signals are pointing to a new era when savvy consumers will “cut the cable cord,” to their TV sets by replacing cable or satellite connections with an internet-rich set-top box, in the same way many have replaced their landlines with cell phones. I think it’s only a matter of time, especially with the recent announcements from Google (News - Alert) and Apple about their web TV strategies and solutions. This article is the first in a series that discusses the companies and product offerings that are working to convince consumers to cut the cable cord. Let’s start with a comparison of Google TV and Apple (News - Alert) TV.

Google TV (GTV) is a new software platform that seamlessly combines your TV, DVR recordings, and stored media with the entire internet. You get the simplicity and convenience of a Google search to find the shows and TV content you love.

The difference with GTV compared to other devices that have previously attempted this feat is all the other devices currently on the market make you choose between purpose- built functionality (such as playing a game on a Sony PS3) versus choosing an internet based activity (such as streaming a movie from Netflix on a Sony PS3). So far, it’s not easy to do both at the same time on a single device.

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