
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Global Telesat Communications launches rental scheme for handheld satellite phone requirements

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Global Telesat Communications (GTC), specialists in marine satellite communications solutions, has launched a ground breaking rental scheme for everyone looking to solve their short term communications requirements at minimum cost.

Offering market leading Inmarsat, Iridium and Thuraya handheld communications equipment, GTC has a rental solution that will cover all parts of the globe and do so economically at agreed and fixed costs.

The rental scheme will suit anyone requiring satellite communications on a temporary basis, whether it’s a rescue team going into a disaster zone, a charity fundraising expedition or a family sailing across an ocean. GTC will help with selection of the right equipment for the purpose and can put together a package that results in affordable and fixed or predictable costs. The chosen equipment is prepared and delivered in good time for the rental start date and, at the end of the hire period, it is checked over and any outstanding costs for use are deducted from the security deposit lodged with GTC at the start of the hire, the balance being returned immediately to the customer.

GTC is currently offering the Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro, the Iridium 9555, the Thuraya SO-2510 and Thuraya XT handsets for rent.

Upfront rental costs include a set up fee of £15 (all prices quoted exclude VAT), which covers postage, activation and traffic reports, and a refundable deposit related to the individual value of the equipment. For an Iridium 9555 the refundable deposit is £750, for a Thuraya XT £650, a Thuraya SO-2510 costs £400 as does an Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro.

To keep things simple and help customers with their budgeting, all weekly charges are the same, no matter which handset you rent, and all airtime beyond that included in the rental plan is charged at the same rates. The weekly charge under Option 1, which does not include any airtime, is £35, while Option 2, at £75, includes 35 minutes of airtime and Option 3 gives you 70 minutes for £105.

Should you need to use the satellite phones for more than the included minutes, GTC charges £1.50 per minute for outgoing voice calls to fixed or mobile phones, 75p per minute to same satellite network phones, £8.00 per minute to other satellite networks and 60p per SMS text message.

Besides the phone handsets themselves, GTC can offer a range of practical accessories, including spare batteries, in-car chargers, travel chargers, solar chargers for use in remote locations and compatible data cables.


Read more about satellite phone rentals

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